Marc Archer

Marc Archer content lecturer facing camera

Marc Archer

Marc has a background in social emotional developmental research and has studied the impact of separation from family on child and adolescent development in the US, UK, China and Malaysia. He has also been involved in several projects to increase access to mental health services, particularly among those less likely to seek help. His current work builds on this to adapt, implement, and evaluate culture-specific interventions to enhance mental health and wellbeing.

Before arriving at UHI Inverness in 2022, Marc led on the formation of the Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, a collaboration between HELP University and the Malaysian Mental Health Association. Ongoing projects stemming from this include research into the effects of digital media use on adolescent mental health and My Mind on Film, Malaysia’s first youth mental health film festival.


  • PhD, Developmental Psychology, University College London
  • MSc, Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology, UCL and the Anna Freud Centre
  • BA, Psychology, Manchester University
