Severe weather information line

Inverness College UHI has a dial in service through Highland Council if there is a risk of closure due to adverse weather. This allows staff and students to listen to a recorded message.

When severe weather warnings are received the College will endeavour to keep the system up to date. This is an enhancement to present services and does not replace the existing methods of gaining information such as listening to local radio stations and direct contact using mobile phones.

How To Use The System

•    Dial Highland Council's access number- 0800 564 2272

•    Enter the College PIN number - 043270

•    (You have 2 attempts to enter the correct PIN number and you will be automatically disconnected following a second failure. If this happens, check the number and redial. If a problem still exists, check with the College later)

•   Press 1 to hear the College’s message about the adverse weather (Whether or not the College is closed)

Please Note

It is the responsibility of parents, carers and students to decide whether or not to attempt to travel to College by transport or on foot in adverse weather conditions. The College encourages full attendance but in severe weather conditions the safety of students is much more important. Parents and students are often concerned that important examinations may be missed but this should not override good judgement as normally alternative arrangements can be made for missed examinations.