Dorothy Emily Stevenson (1892-1973)

PhD: Dorothy Emily Stevenson (1892 – 1973) – A Scottish woman writing from her knowledge of the well-to-do middle-class content

PhD: Dorothy Emily Stevenson (1892 – 1973) – A Scottish woman writing from her knowledge of the well-to-do middle-class

PhD: Dorothy Emily Stevenson (1892 – 1973) – A Scottish woman writing from her knowledge of the well-to-do middle-class 

Carole Brooks – Master’s in research student 

The research investigates the reception of Scottish women’s writing in the 20th century with a focus on its representation of contemporary society and societal issues, concentrating on the work and networks of D.E. Stevenson.

Stevenson was a female writer of the 20th century who can be categorised as a writer of contemporary romantic fiction; however, this definition fails to highlight the depth and variety of her output, or the complexity of her characterisation and settings. Between 1923 and 1970 she published 45 novels. The thesis will trace her significance as a social chronicler of the middle-classes through the early to late middle twentieth century and as a writer who had the ability to influence opinions and understanding.