SQA Post Results Service


SQA Results 2022

SQA grades for Nationals and Highers will be confirmed on Tuesday 9 August.

If your confirmed results leave you with questions, or you want to explore options, our Student Support Team are here to help you.

Contact the team, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Email student.support.ic@uhi.ac.uk or telephone 01463 273 208.

If you have any questions or would like to take a tour around the building, please visit our Open Day on Tuesday 9 August, 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

SQA Appeals 2022

If you believe you have grounds for an appeal, you can register an appeal directly with the SQA. This can be done anytime between Tuesday 9th and Tuesday 30th August. You can also ask your school, college or training provider to submit an appeal for you. Once you receive your result, speak to your teacher or lecturer if you would like them to submit an appeal. School, college or training provider submission deadlines: Priority appeals – Friday 19 August at 5pm. All other appeals – Friday 2 September at 5pm.

If you sat your Higher or National 5 at UHI Inverness we recommend you contact your PDA to discuss your appeal. Call 01463 273 208 or email student.support.ic@uhi.ac.uk We will be available from 8.30am on Tuesday 9th August.

It is important you understand that an appeal could result in your grade going up, going down or staying the same. If you register an appeal, the SQA will notify the College. UHI Inverness will submit all the necessary evidence used to determine your estimated result to the SQA. A student can withdraw an appeal. Please see appeals process for further information.

What happens now?

SQA Appeals 2022 - what you need to know for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher See Page 7 & 8.