Freshwater eDNA

Monitoring change in freshwater biological communities content

Monitoring change in freshwater biological communities

We have a long-term programme to develop, optimise and apply eDNA based approaches for monitoring change of aquatic vertebrate and macroinvertebrate communities in response to habitat restoration and anthropogenic stressors. We work with a wide range of government and non-government organisations. Example projects include monitoring migratory fish in the River Severn following restoration (Natural England) and pre-restoration biodiversity baseline data in the Laxford (Atlantic Salmon Trust) and Conglass catchments (Cairngorms National Park Authorities). We are also collaborating with Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland to develop computational pipelines that facilitate the generation of metabarcoding reference databases. 

Researchers: Professor Bernd Hänfling, Dr Nathan Griffiths, Dr. Barbara Morrissey, Dr Victoria Pritchard, Dasha Svobodova, Charley Clark, Alana-Jo McCallum, Sam Jones, James Macarthur 

Two researchers in a river, sampling the water.